Skydiving has already on my bucket list for more than 3 years. Ever since a friend of mine went into raptures over her skydive in Arizona I was fascinated by the idea of jumping out of an aircraft to experience a feeling of total freedom. But somehow I never ended up having enough spare cash to afford this adventure and therefore had to postpone it to “one day”. And as we all know “one day” is mostly never going to happen… Therefore, I decided last weekend to finally to listen to my inner voice, turn this imaginary day in the future into “tomorrow” and to make an appointment to spontaneously accompany my roommate the next day.
On Sunday morning we were picked up by our cab and brought to a place about 40 minutes outside of Cape Town. Once we had arrived we had to fill in a form and we were immediately ushered into our training for a “leap in the dark”. Our instructors shortly welcomed and briefed us and after we’d put on our gear we were ready for take-off. Together with another girl and her guide the 6 of us squeezed into the small aircraft. For about 20 minutes we slowly soared into the air and enjoyed the view of the shimmering sea and beautiful scenery below us. Contrary to expectations I didn’t feel nervous at all and was only looking forward to this incredible experience… Knowing that my instructor already jumped more than 6000 times might have helped. Then the time had come – the door slowly opened and we were about to jump out of the plane. I sat at the edge, looked down, knew I couldn’t change anymore what was going to happen…
…and then we hit the silk! 30 seconds of free fall and all I could do was close my eyes and scream.. After a few seconds of screaming I realised that I was still alive, so I opened my arms and felt free as a bird!
This skydive has been an incredible once-in-a-lifetime experience for me which I will probably never forget about. I believe that sometimes you just need to do what makes you happy and live your dreams. Nevertheless, there are still so many more things on my bucket list –going on a safari and exploring more of Africa definitely is ranked very high. Do you also have a bucket list? What is it filled with? You may gain some inspiration from having a look at our website? There you will definitely find many incredible “once in a lifetime experiences” which will also make you very happy.
In case you are also keen on skydiving we can gladly assist you in finding comfortable accommodation in Cape Town. You can even look at our self-service Cape Town site to browse through a list of Cape Town activities which you can book from the site itself. Cape Town has so much to offer and is just waiting to be explored.
– Jacky (Product and Marketing Intern, Jenman African Safaris)